{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig' %}
{# Rich Snippts #}
{% block layout_head_meta_tags %}
{# Call the parent #}
{{ parent() }}
{# Output of the rich snippets #}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags__ld_json %}
{% set richSnippetDataStruct = page.extensions[constant('DreiscSeoPro\\Subscriber\\Installment\\RichSnippet\\RichSnippetSubscriber::DREISC_SEO_INSTALLMENT_RICH_SNIPPET_DATA')] %}
{% if richSnippetDataStruct is not null %}
<script type="application/ld+json">
{{ richSnippetDataStruct.ldJson|json_encode|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{# Social media #}
{% block layout_head_meta_tags_opengraph %}
{# Fecth social media data #}
{% set socialMediaDataStruct = page.extensions[constant('DreiscSeoPro\\Subscriber\\Installment\\SocialMedia\\SocialMediaSubscriber::DREISC_SEO_INSTALLMENT_SOCIAL_MEDIA_DATA')] %}
{% if null == socialMediaDataStruct %}
{# Call the parent #}
{{ parent() }}
{% else %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_opengraph__og_type %}
<meta property="og:type" content="website"/>
{% endblock %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_opengraph__og_site_name %}
<meta property="og:site_name" content="{{ basicConfig.shopName }}"/>
{% endblock %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_opengraph__og_title %}
{% if socialMediaDataStruct.facebookTitle is not empty %}
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ socialMediaDataStruct.facebookTitle }}"/>
{% else %}
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ metaTitle }}"/>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_opengraph__og_description %}
{% if socialMediaDataStruct.facebookDescription is not empty %}
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ socialMediaDataStruct.facebookDescription }}"/>
{% else %}
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ metaDescription }}"/>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_opengraph__og_image %}
{% if socialMediaDataStruct.facebookImage is not empty %}
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ socialMediaDataStruct.facebookImage }}"/>
{% else %}
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ shopware.theme['sw-logo-desktop'] }}"/>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_twitter__card %}
<meta name="twitter:card" content="website"/>
{% endblock %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_twitter__site %}
<meta name="twitter:site" content="{{ basicConfig.shopName }}"/>
{% endblock %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_twitter__title %}
{% if socialMediaDataStruct.twitterTitle is not empty %}
<meta property="twitter:title" content="{{ socialMediaDataStruct.twitterTitle }}"/>
{% else %}
<meta property="twitter:title" content="{{ metaTitle }}"/>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_twitter__description %}
{% if socialMediaDataStruct.twitterDescription is not empty %}
<meta property="twitter:description" content="{{ socialMediaDataStruct.twitterDescription }}"/>
{% else %}
<meta property="twitter:description" content="{{ metaDescription }}"/>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_twitter__image %}
{% if socialMediaDataStruct.twitterImage is not empty %}
<meta property="twitter:image" content="{{ socialMediaDataStruct.twitterImage }}"/>
{% else %}
<meta property="twitter:image" content="{{ shopware.theme['sw-logo-desktop'] }}"/>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{# Robots tag #}
{% block layout_head_meta_tags_robots %}{% apply spaceless %}
{# Check for a robots tag #}
{% set robotsTagDataStruct = page.extensions[constant('DreiscSeoPro\\Subscriber\\Installment\\RobotsTag\\RobotsTagSubscriber::DREISC_SEO_INSTALLMENT_ROBOTS_TAG_DATA')] %}
{# Check for fallback #}
{% if null == robotsTagDataStruct or robotsTagDataStruct.robotsTag is empty %}
{# Call the parent #}
{{ parent() }}
{% else %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_meta_tags_robots %}
{{ robotsTagDataStruct.robotsTag }}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endapply %}{% endblock %}
** Canonical Link **
In shopware standard there is no canonical link on category pages / home page
@see https://issues.shopware.com/issues/NEXT-8662
{% block layout_head_canonical %}{% apply spaceless %}
{# Check for the base information #}
{% set baseInformationDataStruct = page.extensions[constant('DreiscSeoPro\\Subscriber\\Installment\\BaseInformation\\BaseInformationSubscriber::DREISC_SEO_INSTALLMENT_BASE_INFORMATION_DATA')] %}
{% set canonicalDataStruct = page.extensions[constant('DreiscSeoPro\\Subscriber\\Installment\\Canonical\\CanonicalSubscriber::DREISC_SEO_INSTALLMENT_CANONICAL_DATA')] %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_canonical %}
{% if null != canonicalDataStruct and canonicalDataStruct.canonicalLink is not empty %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_canonical__individual %}
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ canonicalDataStruct.canonicalLink }}" />
{% endblock %}
{% elseif 'frontend.home.page' == activeRoute %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_canonical__home %}
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ seoUrl('frontend.home.page', { }) }}" />
{% endblock %}
{% elseif 'frontend.navigation.page' == activeRoute and null != baseInformationDataStruct %}
{% block dreisc_seo__layout_head_canonical__navigation %}
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ seoUrl('frontend.navigation.page', { navigationId: baseInformationDataStruct.navigationId }) }}" />
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endapply %}{% endblock %}